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Local artist designs commemorative plates

By Jenny Tenpenny

Daily News Journal Staff Writer - May 2, 1982

World's Fair commemorative plates, designed and made by local artist Lewis Snyder, will be among the memorabilia presented to President and Mrs. Reagan this weekend when they attend the fair's opening.


The plates were commissioned by Joy Baker, wife of Sen. Howard Baker, about two weeks ago, Snyder said. Senator Baker's office contacted Snyder to do the work, and then he saw Mrs. Baker at the Dogwood Spring Arts Festival where she confirmed the order.


"She asked for six plates. Two for the president, but she didn't say which dignitaries would receive the others," Snyder said.


The Reagans will be staying at the Baker home in Huntsville, Tennessee, over the weekend.

The glazed and stained clay plates bear the World's Fair logo in the center with the date and location etched around the circumference. "Best Wishes Joy Dirkson Baker" is inscribed on the back.


"Clearance to use the logo took at least two days," Snyder said. 'I had to have the clearance and had to wait on the legal document to verify it.  I guess officials want to guard against anyone misusing the logo."


Each plate is individualized by the difference in the clay buttons which are inserted on the outer ledge of the plate. Letters on the plates had to be etched one at a time, "which was a little time-consuming," Snyder said, given such short notice.


But the order went out on schedule Friday, Snyder said.


Lewis & Eric Snyder

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