Studio S
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Studio S Pottery and Galleries. Updated 7/13/2020. Eric Snyder.

Studio S Pottery and Galleries is well-known for handmade finely-crafted artworks of high temperature stoneware, porcelain, raku* and pit-fired* clay often considered highly representative of Tennessee. Additionally, its architectural terra-cotta is often selected for building exterior restoration, new exteriors, and home design interiors.
Our Studio was once a dairy barn we remodeled inside and out with western red cedar. Now it features a two story arch window which dramatizes the entrance with clay and glass lanterns. Even, its silo continues to function as work space.
Our Upper and Lower Galleries create a striking display area, having cedar walls and glass blended with textured floors. Behind the potters wheel area, where farm cows were once milked are the hand-building, glazing, and firing facilities; including bisque, raku, pit, electric and gas fire kilns.
We produce all types of unique functional, decorative, sculptural and architectural forms; specializing in commissions, consultations, specialized projects, and design works in metal and clay. We offer and maintain a year-round schedule of adult and youth classes. To view this schedule, please visit our CLASSES section.
From scientific theory we formulate and test all of our clay bodies and glazes to meet our artistic and technical requirements. This provides the great variety of finishes available across a wide range of colors. To see the results visit our GALLERY section or come by the studio for a tour of our galleries, teaching facilities, and work-spaces.
---Lewis and Eric Snyder
Lewis P. Snyder/Operations

Lewis & Eric Snyder